Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kung Fu Panda!!!

Today was great! We slept in then met with 21 of the 24 Explorer interns and went down to Seattle to see Kung Fu panda. We got there around 3, for the 5 o'clock movie, which was already sold out. We decided to go to the 7 o'clock, which gave us 4 hours to waste. We walked around the children's science museum that is attached to the imax where we were seeing the movie, and it was sooo much fun! From there we walked outside through the Seattle city park which is at the base of the space needle. It had a band playing outside, a nice park, rides and food stands, and a really cool fountain that you could play in. We took the monorail to a different part of Seattle where we went to two different malls. We just walked around and talked, didn't really do much shopping but all made plans to go back on pay day for the really nice spa we saw, all the cool restaurants, and the shopping. We all made it back to the movie on time and together. It was the most organized trip I've ever been on with 21 people driving down together, walking all around 2 different parts of Seattle, and getting back to the movie on time. Kung Fu Panda was sooo cute, and we already have plans to go back to see Wall-E. It was so nice to get to meet other interns today. This was the first time I had hung out with so many of them at one time and I really got to know some cool people, even a guy from USC...who I did remind about their loss to the longhorns 2 years ago! Tonight we are being lazy and just watching a movie and getting sleep. Tomorrow I think we are going to try and go to Bellevue and maybe find a nice waterfront!

Going to see Kung Fu Panda!!!

At the children's science museum in Seattle

A really cool fountain in a park in Seattle
Most of the Explorer Interns!

We Matched!!

These are gifts our admins surprised us with to remind us about our Seattle tour on Monday.

This was the first gadget I made...EVER!! 

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